Jesus is No Myth

Dedicated to promoting the idea that the Biblical Jesus Christ is a historical person.


The articles and information on this website are my personal notes and writings selected generally according to the purpose stated in the motto. There are other topics I have considered relevant and supportive which are also included.

Recent changes to the text are mainly of a minor character and involve reformatting of the endnotes to accord with modern usage, or correction of typographical errors. I have added a few entries where I thought appropriate to provide references to quotations or citations that were omitted in earlier versions.

The booklet Jesus is No Myth was first published in 1989. Although it has undergone several revisions in format the message remains essentially the same. The latest printed version was published in 2003. Since that publication there have been several electronic versions, the most recent was produced in September 2015.

D L Stephens, January 2016.